Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'm in love!

I don't normally peruse the organic section of the grocery store while I'm there but for some reason I decided to just browse the other day. I think I should do that more often! I found butter!! Well, not really butter but a "buttery spread" that tastes just like margarine!

When I saw it I thought "how good could this be?" but decided to give it a try anyway. I can't tell you how awesome it has been to have a delicious butter substitute to put on veggies and potatoes! OMG! Potatoes! A baked potato just isn't as good without butter. I've been eating it for a few days now with no reaction from Mini whatsoever!

Anyway, it's called Earth Balance and you have to be sure to get the red container because that's the one that's soy free too!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Home Fries

I've loved these for a very long time but it's been a while since I've made them. For some reason they just popped into my head when I opened the pantry and saw potatoes this morning. Thankfully, they're dairy, soy, etc. free!

1 Tbsp. oil
2 medium red potatoes
1 small onion
salt, pepper to taste

Heat oil in medium pan over medium high heat. Chop potatoes and onion into cubes and cook in oil until tender.

The photo above (I actually remembered to take a picture this time!) uses 2 medium red potatoes and was plenty for me for breakfast but I usually have a pretty healthy appetite!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Fried Squash

Here's an easy one and it's allergy friendly unless you're allergic to corn! Even if you are allergic to corn you could use flour instead of cornmeal.... if you're allergic to both this probably isn't the recipe for you.

I never measure so I'm just going to tell you the ingredients and process.

What you'll need:
yellow summer squash
yellow cornmeal
onion powder
garlic powder
salt & pepper
oil (I use canola)

Place cornmeal (enough to coat however much squash you use), onion powder, garlic powder, salt & pepper (to taste) in a gallon zip top bag. Chop the squash roughly into 1 inch square pieces and place in bag. Shake bag to coat squash. Cook over medium high heat, turning squash occasionally, until golden brown and crispy.

That's it! It's so easy and soooo yummy! Even my toddler eats it!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I know I haven't updated this site in a while and that's because I haven't been real adventurous with cooking these days. I'm mostly sticking to fresh, bland foods for fear that the blood will come back! Since my last post I've also cut out tomatoes after noticing that every time I ate spaghetti (with "safe" sauce, ground turkey and rice pasta) Mini would have tummy problems and I would notice a couple of diapers with small specks of blood. The only thing it could be is the spaghetti sauce so I decided to play it safe and just stay away from all things tomato for a while. Overall, she is a very happy girl. The blood comes and goes with more good days than bad but she's not having the daily screaming fits that her brother had.
We've also started supplementing with some formula because she was having weight gain issues (poor girl's pants were falling down and we've started calling her Skinny Mini). We've been giving her one bottle a day of Alimentum and, so far, she's doing OK with it. Happily, as of her weight check today, she's finally gaining an adequate amount of weight!
So that's the update on Mini's GI issues but the real reason I wanted to post is because I've found an awesome website for food sensitivity issues. Go check out . I can't tell you the plethora of information on this site. It even has a recipes section and when I told it to search recipes that were gluten free, nut free, dairy free, soy free and shellfish free, it came up with OVER 100 recipes! How awesome is that?!?! Seriously, go check it out. I hope you're as excited and amazed as I am!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Are we in the clear??

I'm happy to report today that we are on day 5 of no blood in Mini's stool. Perhaps we've finally found the magic combination of "what not to eat"! I don't think that fish, nuts or eggs were the culprit, though so I'll try adding those in gradually in the next week or so and see how she does.

On another note... I have an example for you of how you can never be too careful! Since I can't eat beef I've been eating lots of chicken and pork. I recently saw in my local grocery store's sale ad that they had whole frozen turkeys on sale for something like half off. I thought "why not" and bought one. I got a 14 pound turkey for a little over $8.00. I like turkey a lot and so does the hubby so I figured I'd bake it this weekend, hubby could have some turkey sandwiches and then I could make a turkey and rice soup! I was very excited about all of this food! I took the turkey out of the fridge last night to see how big it was and there it was.... what I had failed to notice in the grocery store: "Preseasoned with Real Creamery Butter!" Now, I know most people put butter on turkey before baking it so it gets that nice, golden brown color but have you ever seen a turkey that already comes with butter?

Now I have a 14 pound turkey for my husband so I called my parents and invited them to dinner! 

Lesson learned: ALWAYS read the label even when you think there's no way an item will contain an "off limits" ingredient!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A tip for you...

I've been putting my salad dressing in a baby food jar and taking it with me wherever I go. That way I would always have an option if I got hungry while out and about because, let's face it, eating out with so many dietary restrictions is damn near impossible.

The only problem with this is the baby food jar leaked every time. So, I started putting the baby food jar filled with salad dressing in a zip top bag. This stopped dressing from getting all over everything in the diaper bag but then I was left with a slippery baby food jar and had a hard time getting it opened to actually use the dressing!

The other night, as DH and I were getting ready to go out to dinner (yay for date night!) I was tearing my kitchen apart looking for something to put my salad dressing in that wouldn't leak. Then, all of a sudden, it was like a lightbulb went off in my head and my eyes landed on this:

Yes, that is a Medela breast milk storage bottle! It's small enough to fit in my purse and the best part is that it's designed to carry breast milk... a liquid.... so, essentially, it's designed not to leak!

It worked like a charm! Hooray!! Now that I think about it, I guess you could also use breast milk storage bags too!


I would love to post some yummy new recipe for you today but I have to say, I've kept it pretty simple lately. Mostly stuff like plain turkey burgers and chicken breasts with fresh veggies and potatoes. I do have some pork chops in the freezer though so maybe I'll come up with some sort of sauce for those soon....I'm ready for some flavor!

An update on Mini, now: She was doing great. We even had a normal poop the other day. That night DH and I went to dinner at Outback Steak House. I had a grilled chicken breast with just salt and pepper, a baked sweet potato with brown sugar and cinnamon and a salad with my "safe" salad dressing that I brought from home. And a glass of Chardonnay as a treat. The next morning Allie had a screaming fit. Something she doesn't normally do. She screamed and nursed for about a half hour before she finally conked out and slept for a while. When she woke up a couple of hours later she was better and nursed happily. She finally pooped about an hour after nursing. She didn't scream or even seem to struggle when she pooped but I wasn't surprised to find blood in her diaper, just based on her behavior earlier. Sure enough, after having a normal diaper the previous day, there was more blood in her stool than I've ever seen. Probably TIM but normally I have to really look and I find tiny little specks. This diaper had threads of blood. And not just one, there were quite a few!

This may be a long shot but perhaps there was some sort of cross-contamination? Like maybe they threw my chicken on the grill right after they took a big, juicy steak off?  I don't know.... I'm really reaching these days! But I plan to discuss it with the doctor next week when we go in for her weight check. I also plan to ask about seeing a pediatric allergist. I've read that they can pinpoint the problem a lot of the times with some simple, non-invasive tests. It's worth checking out....

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bye-bye wheat!

So I've now added wheat to the list of things that I can't eat (dairy, soy, nuts, eggs, fish, beef, wheat). I took Mini to the doctor yesterday for her 2 month shots and the doctor wasn't real pleased with her weight gain. It was on the very low end of acceptable so she has to go back in two weeks for a weight check.

Last time we saw the doctor I asked him about wheat. My husband's sister has a wheat allergy so I thought it might be a possibility. His response at that time was that he didn't know of wheat being a cause for blood in the stool of a breastfed baby. I brought it up again as that is the only one of the top 8 allergens that I was still eating.... and eating a lot of wheat I was! I didn't realize how many bagels with apple butter or jelly that I ate! I just cut wheat yesterday and I already miss my bagels and my Raisin Bran! I will have to go to the store this afternoon and stock up on Rice Chex or some other rice cereal. 

My pediatrician asked what that would leave me eating, to which I responded "turkey, chicken, pork, fresh fruits and veggies, rice and potatoes." I think he realized that I had thought this out and he told me to give it a try. I sure hope the blood in her stool goes away soon so I can start to add a few of these items back into my diet!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Oatmeal Cookies

If you're like me, one of the things you miss the most is cookies. I discovered that Oreo cookies don't contain dairy... but they do contain soy. I was devastated! This is my mom's recipe for oatmeal cookies but I substitute oil for butter and they're fantastic!

2 sticks butter (I use 1 cup oil)
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
3 cups old fashioned oats (not quick oats)
1 cup raisins (optional)

Preheat oven to 350. Combine butter (oil in my case), brown sugar, white sugar, eggs and vanilla (wet ingredients). Mix well. In a separate bowl, combine flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt (dry ingredients). Mix well. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix well. Stir in oats and raisins. Drop by rounded tablespoon onto a greased cookie sheet and bake for 10-12 minutes.

I can't eat these now that I've cut eggs but thoroughly enjoyed them the last time I had to restrict my diet!

Tomato Sauerkraut Casserole

I know this sounds disgusting but it's delicious, I promise! My mom made this for me yesterday. She got the recipe from one of the ladies in her sewing group and it's the only way my mom will go anywhere near sauerkraut!

1 can sauerkraut, drained
1 can diced tomatoes, undrained
1/2 cup sugar
4 pieces of bacon, chopped

Combine the sauerkraut, tomatoes and sugar in a casserole or baking dish. Stir well. Top with the chopped bacon and cook for 2 hours at 300 degrees.

So easy! However, you might want to skip the bacon if your little one is sensitive to milk derivatives.
I apologize for not having a picture. I didn't take my camera with me to my mom's house yesterday and I can't find a picture online anywhere.

Friday, February 26, 2010

De Ja Vu

Well, it looks like we're traveling down the same road with Mini as we did with Monkey. As I posted last time, I cut dairy and soy back on January 23, 2010. She was doing better but all of a sudden she started thrashing around and crying out again about a week ago. She had mucousy poops for a few days and then, on Monday, I found a tiny speck of blood in her diaper. All I could do is groan. I feel like the nightmare has begun again.

That night DH and I discussed our next course of action and decided to give her regular, plain old cow's milk based formula. Our rationale is that, theoretically, since I've already cut dairy and soy, dairy shouldn't be the problem. Perhaps it was something else that I was eating...although I had no idea what it could possibly be. So we gave her formula. She did some crying that evening but nothing too terrible. The next day, the rash that was on her face spread to her entire body so I called the pediatrician. The nurse told me to stop giving her milk based formula and switch her to soy. So I gave her a soy bottle around 5:30 Tuesday evening. At 7:00 PM she was screaming her head off and it took me over an hour to calm her down by trying to nurse her. She would nurse for about 30 seconds and then unlatch and scream. It was the exact same behavior that Monkey displayed at the height of his discomfort.

So Wednesday morning I took her to the doctor to discuss all of this with him. He determined that the rash on her face was an oil gland infection and had nothing to do with the milk based formula. By the time I got her to his office it had 99% cleared up from the rest of her body. He, and I, decided it was best for me to keep breastfeeding. He said it could take six weeks to see results after cutting diary from my diet and to keep with it (it has only been 5 weeks as of tomorrow). He also said the only other things he could think of to cut from my diet were fish, eggs and nuts. I told him that DH's sister has a wheat intolerance and he said that he didn't know of wheat being something that would cause blood in the stool. So, for now, my diet is limited a little further. In addition to staying away from dairy and soy I've also cut fish, eggs and nuts.

She hasn't had any more screaming fits since the one after the soy bottle but she also hasn't pooped in 3 days. So now it's just a lot of wiggling and gas. I'm anxious for her to make another dirty diaper so I can inspect it. It's sad that I've spent a good portion of the past two years inspecting poopy diapers but we do what we have to for our kids, right?



I grew up on the coast and still live there so frozen fish isn't something that's ever really appealed to me. Actually, I've only started buying fish at the grocery store recently but I've always bought fresh fish. The problem with that is that I like to eat it the day I buy it so that means we rarely had fish!

In an effort to incorporate more fish into our diet I thought I would try frozen fish fillets. Now, most of them are breaded which, on a dairy and soy free diet, is a no-no. But, I did find these by StarKist. They're called Seasations and come in several varieties but the only one that was dairy and soy free was the Mediterranean Tomato & Basil so I picked it up.

A few nights later I was pleasantly surprised! Not only was it delicious but super easy too. Just a few minutes in the microwave and it was done! Even my DH and toddler liked it. Well, Monkey wouldn't eat much of the actual fish but loved the sauce and dipped everything else on his plate in it!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Long time no post!

So I've kind of let this little project fall by the wayside. What can I say? Life just gets in the way sometimes. Let me catch you up.

First, our son (we were calling him Monkey, remember?) is doing very well. He is now 20 months old and I'm happy to say he is eating a normal, non-restricted diet. Yep, you read that right... he no longer has a sensitivity to dairy or soy! I can't tell you what a relief it is. Not only does he not have to deal with these issues for the rest of his life, we were spending over $300 a month for his Neocate formula! So how did this come about? Our gastroenterologist told us to try reintroducing dairy and soy around 18 months. So when he was 17 months old we gave him a sippy cup of whole milk. And he loved it. The first few days he had some loose stools, and we were a little worried, but he didn't seem to be hurting so we pushed through and his system adjusted to the change. Once we were in the clear and confident that he was doing okay on all things dairy we moved on to soy. This was a little rougher. He had some screaming fits but not as often as he used to. I'd say once a week he would act like his tummy was bothering him. This went on for a few weeks but eventually worked itself out.

Second, we have now welcomed another family member! Our daughter, we'll call her Mini (because she's a miniature version of me!), was born on January 8, 2010. Maybe we're more paranoid than the average parent because of what we went through with our son but she has displayed some of the same behaviors that Monkey displayed when he was a tiny thing. So, we decided that I would go ahead and cut dairy and soy from my diet as a precaution. Hopefully, if she does have these same issues, cutting dairy and soy from my diet early enough will prevent the blood in the stool and also allow me to breastfeed longer than six months. I've been off of dairy and soy almost 4 weeks now and she's doing better. Her bowel movements and gas don't seem to cause her any more discomfort. She still grunts and squirms and turns red but at least she's not crying out sharply. This past weekend, though, her sharp cries returned and we were all scratching our heads. That's when I remembered the only thing I hadn't read the label on was a can of roasted cashews that I had been snacking on.... a lot. Sure enough, they contained soybean oil. I didn't read the label because I'd eaten cashews, and made sure they didn't contain soy or dairy, in the past. But this was a different brand... so that makes all the difference!

So there you are, you're all caught up! When I discover new and exciting things to ingest I'll be sure to post about it. I've found that going dairy and soy free has been much easier this time around because I've already done all the research and label reading... but I'm always on the lookout for new things to eat!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Teething Biscuits!

Can I just tell you how excited I am that I found dairy-free, soy-free teething biscuits? In my mind, making a huge mess with a teething biscuit is a rite of passage for a baby. I was so sad thinking I would never get to give one to the Monkey because of his allergies!

A girl on The Bump once told me that they do exist.... they're called Healthy Times and she found them at Whole Foods. Of course, this area doesn't have a Whole Foods. I shop at Kroger and they didn't have them. They had other organic teething biscuits but all contained dairy.

Yesterday I went shopping at Bi-Lo because I had a gift card and I'm sure you can imagine my excitement when I found Healthy Times teething biscuits in the baby aisle! I bought 2 boxes. One each of maple and vanilla. Monkey LOVES them! And I had so much fun watching his gnaw on one... especially since he's right in the throes of teething!

You can read more about them on the Healthy Times website!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Shrimp Creole

This has been one of my favorites since I was a little girl. This is my grandfather's recipe and it reminds me of him every time I smell it! Luckily, one of my favorites is also dairy and soy free!

1 bell pepper, chopped
3 stalks celery, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
3 pieces bacon, chopped
1 tbsp olive oil
1 can of okra & tomatoes (or you can use diced tomatoes and frozen okra)
1 can (12 oz) tomato paste
1 small can mushrooms
1 pounds medium shrimp
salt & pepper

Sautee the veggies and bacon in olive oil until tender. Add the okra & tomatoes, tomato paste and mushrooms. Add salt & pepper to taste. Cook slowly for about 1.5 hours, stirring occasionally. Today I put it in the slow cooker on high.... if you want to cook longer turn the slow cooker down to low. I usually do it on the stove on low but decided to try the slow cooker for a change. So far it's working out great! Add shrimp last and cook for about 15 minutes or until shrimp is pink. If you like your shrimp creole spicy you can add Tabasco or other hot sauce. I usually serve over rice!

Friday, February 13, 2009

It's over...

Lately it's been damn near impossible to get my little guy to settle down enough to actually nurse in the mornings... so I've been making him bottles right after nursing him because I know he's not eating enough. The thing is.... he'll semi-nurse for 20 minutes and then get uber excited when he sees the bottle. This is how I knew it was time to stop nursing him. I was severely limiting my own diet just so I could nurse him once or twice a day and that wasn't even providing him with nourishment! Besides... I still have over 100 ounces of breast milk in the freezer I can give him...

So yesterday morning I nursed my baby boy for the last time...on his 8 month "birthday" and then proceeded to have chocolate for breakfast, oreos for lunch and half of a pizza with extra cheese for dinner! Don't worry, though. Little man can't have dairy or soy for the next 10 months so I'll still have plenty to write about.... plus there are still some recipes for me that I haven't posted yet so I'll be sure to get those on here too!

Speaking of food for baby! Hubby and I had summer squash and zucchini with dinner the other night. I just slice them up and boil them until tender. I threw the leftovers in the blender and pureed them for my son. He loved it! The other thing I've made recently is peaches... just peel, puree and voila! I do believe that if your child is under 7 months you should cook the peaches first though....

Monday, February 9, 2009

Turkey Burgers

You know, I never liked turkey burgers until I made my own patties. The ones that you can buy premade were dry and chewy. Hubby and I decided to decrease our red meat intake so I bought a big package of ground turkey and used it like I would ground beef... spaghetti, burgers, etc.

I add onion salt, garlic powder and Worcestershire sauce to the meat, mix it with my hands and form into burgers. I also use this combination for ground beer. You can either grill them or cook them on the stove in a skillet. They turned out wonderfully! I ate mine plain but Hubby liked his on a bun and I'm sure they'd be great on a plain bagel (Pepperidge Farm has no dairy or soy in their bagels but I've just discovered that the Kroger brand is just as good, costs much less and also has no dairy or soy!).

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Baked Oatmeal

This is, hands down, the preferred breakfast at our house. I found this recipe on Money Saving Mom and modified it to meet my no-dairy, no-soy needs. Click here for the original recipe.

Here is my version, which is pretty much the same as the original, just no milk!

1 cup oil (can sub. applesauce)
1.5 cups sugar (can reduce)
4 eggs
6 cups oats (not the quick-cook kind)
4 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
2 cups water

Combine all ingredients in order listed. Pour into a greased 9x13-inch pan. I have a sprayer that I can fill with whatever oil I choose. I use olive oil. Or you could just put oil onto a paper towel and grease that way. DO NOT use cooking spray as ALL of them contain soy. Bake at 375* for 30-40 minutes until lightly browned. Can refrigerate overnight before baking. I serve with fresh fruit (bananas, strawberries, blueberries, etc).

Monday, February 2, 2009

Superbowl Food

So what's a dairy-free, soy-free gal to eat when there's such an abundance of queso dip and such? Here are a few ideas!

Last night I had potato skins topped with salt, bacon bits and salsa (read the label as always), Chili (OK as long as you make your own) with Fritos, Avocado spread onto mini bagels (you could also make guacamole without the sour cream... I'm just not a fan of guacamole) and Rice Krispie treats (made with olive oil instead of butter)!

See, with a little imagination you can join the crowd and enjoy yourself!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pork & Sauerkraut

Last night we had a couple of friends over for dinner and I made pork and sauerkraut. Usually I just do pork chops, cover in sauerkraut and bake until done but last night I was ambitious. I made an actual pork loin for the very first time and it turned out fantastic!

In a large, oval casserole dish I did the following: Put a little bit of the sauerkraut in the bottom of the dish to prevent the meat from sticking, place loin on top of that and season with a little bit of black pepper. Cover the loin with the rest of the sauerkraut and bake at 350 for 2 hours. My pork loin was just under 3 pounds and I used a meat thermometer to be sure it was done. I was shooting for a core temp of 170 degrees but I ended up with 185. I was afraid the meat would be dry but it was surprisingly moist and everybody loved it!

I served it with mashed potatoes. I made the regular version with milk and butter for everybody else and made a smaller amount with chicken broth for myself. Be careful, though. Some brands of chicken broth contain soy! I use the Progresso broth.... no soy and it has a great flavor.

My girlfriend brought over a salad and some fresh green beans that she sauteed in olive oil and Morton's Nature's Seasons, which I had never tried but it was great! On the salad I used some balsamic vinaigrette that I made myself. To make this I combine olive oil, balsamic vinegar and Dijon mustard. I also shake in a little bit of garlic powder. All of this is to taste, I don't have an exact recipe.... but I do know that this is a strong dressing and a little bit goes a long way!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bacon Wrapped Apple BBQ Chicken

We had this last night and it was awesome (sorry I couldn't find a picture for you)!

1/2 cup BBQ Sauce (any kind will do as long as it doesn't have soy... I used KC Masterpiece original)
1/2 cup applesauce.
3 chicken breasts
6 strips of bacon

Wrap two pieces of bacon around each chicken breast and place in crock pot. Mix BBQ sauce and applesauce and pour over the chicken. Let cook on low for 6 hours or high for 4 hours.... so easy and sooo yummy! The bacon gives this dish a really great flavor!

I served ours with rice and green beans but you can do whatever side dishes are appealing to you!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cranberry Apricot Glazed Pork Chops

This isn't what we're having for dinner tonight, although we are having pork chops of some variety (I haven't decided what to do with them yet). But, this is one of my favorites and my husband likes it too!

In a small pot I combine some apricot jam (jam because I like little bits of apricot in it... but you can use jelly too), a tiny bit of water to thin the jam and some Craisins. Simmer on low heat while you cook the pork chops in a skillet. Place apricot glaze over the pork chop on the plate, not in the skillet.

I usually serve with rice and a green veggie of some sort. but you can serve whatever you want as sides.

If I come up with something truly interesting to do with tonight's pork chops I'll be sure to post it...but it's been kind of a rough day (dentist before 9 AM, a cat who did not like going to the vet for shots... and let me know, and a 7 month old baby with a mouth injury... don't worry, he's going to be fine) so it will probably be just a pork chop, browned in the skillet with a side of rice and a veggie. I'm too tired to be creative tonight!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


As I typed in the last post, Pepperidge Farm bagels are A-OK. Then I realized that they deserve their own post! I always get the plain mini-bagels and sometimes I even get the cinnamon raisin mini-bagels as a treat! Here are a few of the things I do with bagels:

- Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches (natural PB doesn't contain soy)
- Hamburger buns (always make your own patties, though)
- toasted with jelly in the morning
- dip in spaghetti sauce
- I like them just plain for a quick snack

I'm sure there's a lot more that can be done with them since that's the only "bread" I'll have for a while.... I'll post more as I think of more.


So I've always been a fan of Ragu spaghetti sauce. I was heartbroken when I discovered that every version I've seen contains soy. But after a few months of not having spaghetti, which is one of my favorites, Prego isn't so bad! I get the Mushroom version and prepare as follows:

Brown meat (ground beef or turkey) in a skillet along with half of an onion diced and a couple of cloves of garlic, pressed. If I use fresh mushrooms I'll put those in when the meat is about half way done. If I'm using canned mushrooms I add those with the sauce. Drain the fat off of the meat and pour in the jar of spaghetti sauce. I can't think of an easier meal! Tonight I prepared it with ground turkey, onion, garlic and canned mushrooms.... so yummy!!

If you like to have bread with your spaghetti, might I suggest Pepperidge Farm bagels.... either regular or the mini-bagels. It's the only form of bread I've found that contains neither dairy or soy!

Baby Foods

I might as well kick this thing off with some ideas on what to feed baby.

Did you know that Gerber baby cereals (rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, etc) contain soy? That would explain why the blood in our son's stool got worse when we tried him on rice cereal.... even before he was diagnosed with a soy allergy. I've discovered that Beechnut cereals are soy free (not sure about Earth's Best as I stopped looking when I found Beechnut)! Or, if you're supermom, you can make your own cereals by grinding oats or rice (brown rice for more nutrition) at home in your blender. I'm not that ambitious.... I just use Beechnut!

Gerber also makes a product called Puffs that come in several flavors. I have yet to see a soy free flavor but did find one flavor of the store brand version that didn't contain dairy or soy. Honestly, though... it's easier and cheaper to just buy Cheerios. I got our son the multi-grain Cheerios and he loves them... and they're totally safe for his little digestive system!

Another item that is off limits are biter biscuits. I've checked the ingredients labels on Gerber, Beechnut and Earth's Best (organic) and they all contain milk or soy. Same goes for Baby MumMums. I found a recipe for applesauce crackers and made those but they're not quite the same. They don't get soggy and crumble like biter biscuits do. It got soggy but it didn't fall apart enough for him to be able to swallow it. The ingredients consisted of flour, applesauce and oil so they'll be totally OK for him later, just not right now while he's learning to chew!

Most purees are OK. Actually, I found that all of the Gerber Stage 1 foods that my local grocery store were fine. When you get into Stage 2 foods you have to be careful. I noticed that some of them contain milk. There are the obvious ones like macaroni and cheese but some were not so obvious. Just get into a habit right now of reading all labels before buying anything... I actually read labels two or three times before a product goes into my shopping cart. And be sure to read the labels on foods that have been okay in the past. Manufacturers have been known to change their ingredients from time to time.

I just started getting in to making my own baby food... which is probably the absolute best thing to do because I KNOW exactly what is going in to it.

Applesauce is ridiculously easy. Just peel and cut the apples up (I cut mine into fourths), taking out the core, of course. Put them into a covered casserole dish and microwave on high for 2 minutes per apple (4 apples = 8 minutes). When done the apples will be mushy and all you have to do is stir them up, let them cool and feed them to baby. Add a drop or 2 of lemon juice to prevent browning, spoon them into ice cube trays and freeze for up to 2 months!

Other foods I've recently made for the little man include:

Carrots - steam or microwave (with a little water) until very soft, puree in blender or food processor, using the water used for cooking if they need to be thinned, and freeze in ice cube trays.

Sweet Potatoes - Bake in oven or microwave. Put in blender or food processor and thin with breastmilk, formula or water to desired consistency. Freeze in ice cube trays

Mango - Choose a ripe mango. Peel chop into pieces and puree. I didn't even have to add any water. Freeze in ice cube trays.

Avocado and Banana - These are super easy! Just peel the ripe banana and mash with a fork... thin with breastmilk, formula or water to desired consistency.... Cut the ripe avocado in half, remove the large seed and scoop out with a spoon. Mash with a fork and thin with breastmilk, formula or water to desired consistency.

That's all I can think of for now.... I'll of course post recipes and more products as I come across them. If anybody who is reading happens to find a biter biscuit that is dairy-free and soy-free please comment and let me know!

Our story

In June of 2008 our son was born. For the first 3 weeks of his life my breastfed boy was a perfect little guy. Slept much of the day and didn't really fuss or cry when he was awake! Then things started to change. He started having screaming fits and I noticed that he often passed gas while screaming. We tried several different gripe waters as well as Mylicon drops. In July of 2008, after talking with several friends and doing some research, I decided to cut all sources of dairy out of my diet.

I started with the obvious: milk, cheese, yogurt, etc., but decided to take it a step further and stay away from anything that contained dairy products of derivatives (whey, casein, ingredients that contained the word "lact"). For a while his gas got better and he wasn't screaming as much. Then it got worse.... much worse.

In late August my husband noticed a small drop of blood in our son's diaper. We called the doctor, of course, and took him in a couple of days later when the blood didn't subside. We were sent away with instructions to redouble my efforts to avoid dairy. After a week of him screaming and screaming and more blood in the diaper I called the pediatrician back and insisted that they perform a stool culture. I just had a feeling it was something more than a milk protein allergy, as I had already been off dairy for over 6 weeks. The tests came back showing a Shigella infection. A bacterial infection in the colon that was causing ulcers on the intestinal lining.... thus causing belly cramps and blood in the stool.

Well, we dealt with that for a while and, when we insisted on retesting his stool it came back negative..... but he was still screaming and having bloody stools! Finally, after about 4 stool tests, we were referred to a pediatric gastroenterologist. At the age of 5.5 months, after over 4 months of bloody stools and screaming fits, he was also diagnosed with a soy intolerance. We put him on Neocate formula and it all cleared up. In the meantime, I pumped around the clocked and cut soy from my diet, determined to keep breastfeeding! During all of this my supply was greatly decreased but we still nurse in the mornings... and I still eat no dairy or soy. The gastroenterologist tells us that he will have to stay on the dairy-free, soy-free diet until he is 18 months old.

I wanted to start this blog to help other mothers out there in my situation. The task of cutting dairy was daunting enough but it seems that soy products are used in EVERYTHING (including cooking spray!). This blog will be mostly recipes and food ideas for both mom and baby.

Our son is now 7.5 months old and happy as can be. It's like he's a completely different child. He's great at eating purees and starting to eat some finger foods. I will include in this blog not only what I feed myself but what I feed my son.

Please feel free to leave comments if you have questions or if you have recipes or other ideas!