Thursday, March 18, 2010


I would love to post some yummy new recipe for you today but I have to say, I've kept it pretty simple lately. Mostly stuff like plain turkey burgers and chicken breasts with fresh veggies and potatoes. I do have some pork chops in the freezer though so maybe I'll come up with some sort of sauce for those soon....I'm ready for some flavor!

An update on Mini, now: She was doing great. We even had a normal poop the other day. That night DH and I went to dinner at Outback Steak House. I had a grilled chicken breast with just salt and pepper, a baked sweet potato with brown sugar and cinnamon and a salad with my "safe" salad dressing that I brought from home. And a glass of Chardonnay as a treat. The next morning Allie had a screaming fit. Something she doesn't normally do. She screamed and nursed for about a half hour before she finally conked out and slept for a while. When she woke up a couple of hours later she was better and nursed happily. She finally pooped about an hour after nursing. She didn't scream or even seem to struggle when she pooped but I wasn't surprised to find blood in her diaper, just based on her behavior earlier. Sure enough, after having a normal diaper the previous day, there was more blood in her stool than I've ever seen. Probably TIM but normally I have to really look and I find tiny little specks. This diaper had threads of blood. And not just one, there were quite a few!

This may be a long shot but perhaps there was some sort of cross-contamination? Like maybe they threw my chicken on the grill right after they took a big, juicy steak off?  I don't know.... I'm really reaching these days! But I plan to discuss it with the doctor next week when we go in for her weight check. I also plan to ask about seeing a pediatric allergist. I've read that they can pinpoint the problem a lot of the times with some simple, non-invasive tests. It's worth checking out....

1 comment:

  1. Just read all your recent posts and I totally feel your pain. I've been off dairy and soy for five months...SO HARD to do but worth it. We thought we had the perfect baby boy for the first two weeks but my story is so similar to yours sans the shigella infection. I found some awesome chocolate chips that are nut, dairy, and soy free called "Enjoy Life- semi-sweet" that I order from Amazon since there is no whole food store around here. I found your blog while searching for baby snacks that are soy/dairy free. Thanks for posting all this!
