Friday, February 26, 2010

De Ja Vu

Well, it looks like we're traveling down the same road with Mini as we did with Monkey. As I posted last time, I cut dairy and soy back on January 23, 2010. She was doing better but all of a sudden she started thrashing around and crying out again about a week ago. She had mucousy poops for a few days and then, on Monday, I found a tiny speck of blood in her diaper. All I could do is groan. I feel like the nightmare has begun again.

That night DH and I discussed our next course of action and decided to give her regular, plain old cow's milk based formula. Our rationale is that, theoretically, since I've already cut dairy and soy, dairy shouldn't be the problem. Perhaps it was something else that I was eating...although I had no idea what it could possibly be. So we gave her formula. She did some crying that evening but nothing too terrible. The next day, the rash that was on her face spread to her entire body so I called the pediatrician. The nurse told me to stop giving her milk based formula and switch her to soy. So I gave her a soy bottle around 5:30 Tuesday evening. At 7:00 PM she was screaming her head off and it took me over an hour to calm her down by trying to nurse her. She would nurse for about 30 seconds and then unlatch and scream. It was the exact same behavior that Monkey displayed at the height of his discomfort.

So Wednesday morning I took her to the doctor to discuss all of this with him. He determined that the rash on her face was an oil gland infection and had nothing to do with the milk based formula. By the time I got her to his office it had 99% cleared up from the rest of her body. He, and I, decided it was best for me to keep breastfeeding. He said it could take six weeks to see results after cutting diary from my diet and to keep with it (it has only been 5 weeks as of tomorrow). He also said the only other things he could think of to cut from my diet were fish, eggs and nuts. I told him that DH's sister has a wheat intolerance and he said that he didn't know of wheat being something that would cause blood in the stool. So, for now, my diet is limited a little further. In addition to staying away from dairy and soy I've also cut fish, eggs and nuts.

She hasn't had any more screaming fits since the one after the soy bottle but she also hasn't pooped in 3 days. So now it's just a lot of wiggling and gas. I'm anxious for her to make another dirty diaper so I can inspect it. It's sad that I've spent a good portion of the past two years inspecting poopy diapers but we do what we have to for our kids, right?

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